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Heart-lung machines can harm the kidneys during cardiac surgery Part2 |Nursing Conference and Awards
Heart-lung machines can harm the kidneys during cardiac surgery Part1 |Nursing Conference and Awards
How heart-lung machines can harm the kidneys during cardiac surgery
ventilation of Open-lung in cardiac surgery -Part 1 | Nursing Conference and Award #Pencis #nursing
DOCTOR vs. NURSE: $ OVER 5 YEARS #shorts
Preventing Brain and Kidney Injury in Critically ill Patients
History of Women in Cardiac Surgery and Women in Perfusion
Johns Hopkins Blalock-Taussig-Thomas Heart Center’s Weinstein Lecture featuring Eric Topol
Update in Airway and Critical Care Management #7
AFib Overview, Dr. Alsheikh, Community AFib Webinar
Delirium in the Post Op CV Surgery Patient
Hypotension Prediction: A New Frontier in Critical Care